Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Let me introduce myself to those of you who are not familiar with me or re-introduce myself to those of you who know me from the meetup groups or are one of my clients!  My name is Monique and I am a Dating and Relationship coach.  I am certified in Dating and Relationship Coaching as well as in Life Coaching.  This blog is just an extension of my business ( as I wanted a way to stay connected to my members and clients.  I am so excited about this blog and I hope you are too!  I will try (wink wink!) to update it at least monthly or quarterly with dating and relationship tips and guidance that I think are essential in our dating journey.  I will also provide astrological counseling as this is one of the services I hope to offer this summer!  My hope with this blog is that I can state a word or two that helps you to gain a different perspective, inspire you to pursure your dreams, or just empower you to make better decisions for your life.  They say the journey isn't easy but it's well worth the reward.  Let's go on this journey together!